Tag - sexual politics

Science and the Attack on Women: Girls, Boys and Math

Seen in this light, sex role research is most easily explained as a social and political phenomenon, not a scientific one. Once again the scientific community has come forth with an apology for the status quo (in this case, male domination), and once again, it has done so with great success. There is no deliberate...

Lesbian Health Care: Issues and Literature

Lesbians face great discrimination when seeking health care. Although this discrimination can be found in all health-related areas, it is probably most predominant in the areas of gynecology, reproduction and mental health. Most doctors view women in terms of reproduction and assume that all of us either use or need...

Male Contraception

One of the fallacies that has permeated our minds on the topic of reproduction is the belief, conscious and unconscious, that women are the reproductive units of the species. The fertility of the male is rarely taken into consideration, as if women reproduced by themselves. We forget that we are fertile only during a...

Women as Objects: Science and Sexual Politics

A feminist perspective would not hail new technological developments as "liberating" because it would realize that the oppression of women is not the result of biology but of the social constructs around it. In this respect, it is paradoxical that the excesses of an impersonal technology developed by males in a sexist...