Tag - sexism

Concerning the Infanticide, Marie Farrar

Marie Farrar, born in April, No marks, a minor, rachitic, both parents dead, Allegedly, up to now without police record, Committed infanticide, it is said, As follows: in her second month, she says, With the aid of a barmaid she did her best To get rid of her child with two douches, Allegedly painful but without...

Teaching Science for Humane Survival: Basic Skills and More

Science for Humane Survival is in its eighth consecutive year at the University of Massachusetts' Boston Campus. Controversial from the start, it continues to trigger allergic reactions from various sensitized faculty members whenever it comes up for consideration at one or another college governance meetings...

Sociobiology: The Controversy Continues

After over almost a year's reflection and review and after analyzing the reaction to the new wave of books this fall on sociobiology, particularly E.O. Wilson's On Human Nature, the Sociobiology Study group of the Boston Chapter of Science for the People has decided on a new course of action. We find there is a...

Science for the People: The Natural Birth of a Woman’s Group

The impetus for our meeting can be traced back to last Fall's Eastern Regional Conference where it was decided that people in the local chapters should take a close look at problems of "sexism, racism and elitism." The Boston chapter then held two general meetings about "Interpersonal Relations and the Class Struggle...

Women as Objects: Science and Sexual Politics

A feminist perspective would not hail new technological developments as "liberating" because it would realize that the oppression of women is not the result of biology but of the social constructs around it. In this respect, it is paradoxical that the excesses of an impersonal technology developed by males in a sexist...

Review: Complaints and Disorders – The Sexual Politics of Sickness

The authors focus separately on women of the upper and upper-middle class, and on working-class women. And they are clearer about the effects of the medical system as it applied to affluent women [probably because wealthy women were more directly affected by the medical system]. In addition, Ehrenreich and English...

The Philadelphia Story (Another Experiment on Women)

On the weekend of May 13, 1972, twenty women travelled by bus from Chicago to Philadelphia, to recieve abortions in an out-patient clinic. The women were scheduled to get abortions at Chicago clinics which had just been shut down by the Chicago police. The Philadelphia Women's Health Collective became involved when...

AAAS: Action and Reaction

The fundamental aim of all our actions this past December was to point out to the general AAAS membership the involvement of establishment science with the oppressive, racist policies of the U.S. government. We were careful to distinguish between the unwitting complicity of scientific workers like ourselves who make...

Women’s Biology in a Man’s World: Some Issues and Questions

"Yes . . . but women are different" says the well-intentioned liberal, ready to support civil rights and other struggles of women. ..You really can't trust women, they are too emotional, they get hysterical, they're just different ... " says the employer, justifying having women in low-paying, low-status positions...

What’s Happening? Reports from Groups and Chapters

The SESPA Science Teaching Group held a science conference on Saturday, March 10 at the Cardinal Cushing High School in South Boston. The 150 participants included students and faculty from local high schools and colleges. The conference was organized in response to a need felt among science teachers to begin a...