Tag - repression

Repression of Scientists in Argentina

Last year's coup was just the continuation of a process started during the 1974-76 government of Isabel Peron, widow of Juan Perón. Under Isabel Perón the military did not operate in the open, but after the coup they took full control of the State apparatus and increased the level of repression to outright fascism. By...

Violence Center: Psychotechnology for Repression

A multi-million dollar proposal for a "Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence" (CSRV) at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) has been designed to focus on the "pathologically violent individual" and, in the words of its main proponent, is aimed at "altering undesirable behavior." In this time of...

Proposed Legislation Threatens to Silence Scientists

The Defense Facilities and Industrial Securities Act of 1970 now pending in the Senate would require security clearance for workers in, “any plant, factory, industry, public utility, mine, laboratory, educational institution, research organization, railroad, airport, pier, waterfront installation, canal, dani bridge...