Tag - militarism

Challenging the Weapons Labs

All of this country's nuclear weapons are developed at two huge laboratories—located at Livermore, California, and Los Alamos, New Mexico—which are operated by the University of California (UC) under contract from the Federal Department of Energy (DOE). For nearly five years these labs, along with the issues and...

The Basic Economics of “Rearming America”

Preying on the fears of the military intentions of the USSR, carefully nurtured for the past 30 years, the U.S. government has made increased military spending a national priority. This call to "Rearm America" needs to be critically evaluated. It is time to ask: —Is the Soviet Threat all we have been led to believe...

Resurgent Militarism in Academia

Thus wrote Galileo Galilei on the opening page of his work which marks the beginning of modern science, the Two New Sciences (1638). It is not surprising that Galileo's new science was motivated by military interest, for western science and military interests have always been entwined; what changes is the degree of...

Current Opinion: The Arms Race vs. Why Disarmament Now?

The two current opinions presented here express divergent views from the Disarmament/Energy Group of Boston Science for the People. It is hoped they will provoke a debate on the need and potential for a disarmament movement today and on the choice of strategy and focus for such a movement.

Science and Technology in Brazil

On July 25, 1973, the Brazilian President General Medici approved the "Basic Plan for Scientific and Technological Development" for the period 1973/1974. According to the Minister of Planning, "the main task of the Plan (PBDCT) is to have modern science and technology serve Brazilian society, in its objectives of...

Manipulation of Men for a War Economy

The details are now well known to everyone. Government military spending is large enough so that variations in it can provide economic stabalization. (Increases in government spending usually come conveniently enough in the areas of arms, while cutbacks are made in the less profitable realm of non-destructive items...

Raytheon: The Tip of a Stolen Iceberg

The Raytheon Company is the biggest military producer in Massachusetts, and in 1969 was the 11th biggest in the nation. Raytheon is also the largest employer in the state. Early last year the company employed over thirty thousand in the greater Boston area alone. Raytheon does much more military work in Massachusetts...

Who Are the Mad Bombers?

This chart is a sample of contracts for incendiary munitions awarded between July 1, 1968 and June 30, 1970. For a more complete listing of contracts, see the chart of incendiary munitions in the first edition of the NARMIC pamphlet "Local Action/Research Guide No. 1; Weapons for Counterinsurgency;...