Tag - imperialism

Imperialism: The Common Enemy

With recent victories in Indochina and struggles for liberation around the world gaining strength and momentum, one can't help but look for a common element to link these struggles together. Imperialism is often recognized as an exploitative force in the Third World, but little is understood about the effects of...

Science and Technology in Brazil

On July 25, 1973, the Brazilian President General Medici approved the "Basic Plan for Scientific and Technological Development" for the period 1973/1974. According to the Minister of Planning, "the main task of the Plan (PBDCT) is to have modern science and technology serve Brazilian society, in its objectives of...

International Women’s Day 1975

Boston has recently become the arena for a massive attack on women, Third World and working class people. The racist anti-busing movement has provided a cover for violent attacks on Third World people. The anti-abortion movement focuses its attack on women, especially poor women. The general attack on working class...

Behind the Boston Busing Crisis: An Analysis of the Political Forces Involved

This Autumn, the City of Boston began the massive busing of school children under a Federal Court order to end forced segregation. A continuing crisis has ensued punctuated by violent attacks on the Black citizens of Boston. This has included the repeated stoning of Black students being bussed and an armed terrorist...

Soyabeans in India

Science and scientists have been described as instruments of development. Indeed they are. But they can also be used as instruments of underdevelopment and of neocolonial exploitation. The problems of increasing the production of food in underdeveloped countries have been laid in the lap of Science and Technology. But...

Philippines: The Next Vietnam?

Since the declaration of martial law in the Philippines 23 September 1972, many people in the United States have been alarmed about the growing repression in that country and continued U.S. involvement there. With this in mind, representatives from ten eastern seaboard cities held a conference in Philiadelphia on 20...

Calculus for Conquest

For the past several months the Madison Collective of Science for the People has been directly involved in the struggle against the Army Mathematics Research Center (AMRC) located on the University of Wisconsin Campus. We are not the first to oppose this military funded and directed institution. Since 1967 it has been...

Pogrom for Progress: Brazil

In the late twentieth century, the precepts of Reverend Thomas Malthus are being revived, even though nineteenth century capitalists have found them inconvenient and backward. Whereas scientists such as Darwin had demolished the "scientific" basis of Malthus' predictions and socialist thinkers such as Karl Marx had...

Rx for the People: Preventative Genocide in Latin America

In recent years, both the American government and the "philanthropic" agencies such as IPPF, have exerted continual pressure upon Latin American nations to reduce birth rates. A celebrated case in 1969 was Bolivia, which had recently nationalized Gulf Oil's holdings. When Bolivia, with a population density of less...

Science and THE MAN in the Americas

The AAAS is planning a Mexico City meeting, June 20-July 4, under the title "Science and Man in the Americas" This article will try to better explain the context of the meeting and show how "the man" (meaning the system, the ruling class, the bosses, etc.) will be using the occasion.