Tag - healthcare

Biomedical Research, Politics and Health Policy

In the thirty years from 1945 to the present, federal support for biomedical research has increased over 1000-fold to its current 1.7 billion dollar level. This increase in federal support for biomedical research has not been accompanied by a corresponding increase in federal support for health care. In fact, as shown...

The Structure of American Health Care

The healthcare system seems so chaotic, so unplanned, so uncoordinated, that many people call it a nonsystem. To cure the healthcare crisis, they conclude, we must turn it into a system. Specifically, they argue, some form of national health insurance would provide financially shaky hospitals with a stable income...

Evolution or Revolution: Lessons from Chile

With the military coup d'etat of September, 1973, 41 years of constitutional democracy in Chile came to an end. The purpose of our paper is to analyze (1) some of the changes that occurred in the Chilean health system during the government of Salvadore Allende, (2) the political and economic constraints that limited...

Midwifery: An Alternative

Women Act To Control Healthcare (WATCH) is a Chicago based women's group composed of healthcare workers and consumers concerned about the institutional healthcare services available for women in Chicago. In the past year, we have been working around two related healthcare institutions: the presently existing Chicago...