Tag - food business

Feed, Need, Greed: The Politics of Food in Bite-Size Morsels

The Food and Nutrition Group of the Boston chapter of Science for the People has revised our alternative curriculum for high school students entitled Feed. Need. Greed (first written in 1974). Our goal is to raise the awareness of students and teachers to the "why's" of food production, to the effects of diet on...

Del Monte—Move Over

Early in August, I accompanied a reporter to Northampton, Massachusetts to do a story on a community canning center. The Center consists of a one room extension of the Northampton Hall of records, a huge canning kit with accessories and three staff members. We decided to film the story line around the process of...

Food As A Weapon

The blatant use of food as a weapon of control and manipulation by US imperialism is surprisingly openly discussed by capitalists and their policy makers. In the words of Earl Butz, past US Secretary of Agriculture: "Food is a weapon. It is one of the principal tools in our negotiating kit."

Concentration of Power in the Food Business

Many people feel that the solution to our food problems is to put the Del Montes in moth balls and bring back the Mom and Pop stores and family farms. We think the problem is much deeper. Because the Golden Rule in our economy is Seek Profits, new Del Montes would eventually spring up to replace the old. But we would...