Tag - education

Science and the Attack on Women: Girls, Boys and Math

Seen in this light, sex role research is most easily explained as a social and political phenomenon, not a scientific one. Once again the scientific community has come forth with an apology for the status quo (in this case, male domination), and once again, it has done so with great success. There is no deliberate...

Book Review: Overcoming Math Anxiety, by Sheila Tobias

Yet, there are some vital omissions. Notwithstanding the brave talk in the preface— "The book is mainly a discussion of how intimidation, myth, misunderstanding, and missed opportunities have affected a large proportion of the population" (p. 14)--the book settles into more of a psychological analysis of the problem...

Women’s Health Book Collective: Women Empowering Women

The Boston Women's Health Book Collective, authors of the book Our Bodies, Ourselves, is just such a model. The collective has, in the last ten years, helped to radically change the consciousness of women of all classes about their bodies and their health, and has empowered women to take action for their health in...

Tale of a Substitute Teacher: Teaching or Social Control?

Between December, 1978 and June, 1979. I worked in ten different Boston inner city schools as a substitute teacher. In some oft he schools I spent enough time to get more than a general idea of what was taking place. In most cases I was randomly assigned to classes and subjects that I was certainy not qualified to...

Discovering the History of Women in Science: A Course Outline

Recently the scientific establishment and the federal government have professed an interest in encouraging women to enter the scientific professions. Their efforts have usually taken the form of "Career Facilitation Projects" and "Science Career Workshops" for undergraduate women, funded by the National Science...

Jonathan Kozol’s Tactics for Teachers: How to Challenge the School System

Jonathan Kozol is a familiar name within the circles of alternative education. As teacher and author, Kozol has experienced many facets of the public school system and has had a great deal of personal contact with administrators, teachers, parents and students. Recently he has completed a manuscript entitled "Fighting...

Dick and Jane Meet Scientific Man: An Analysis of Reading Management Systems

Most of us remember relatively little about learning to read. It involved little books with a pretty picture and a few short words on each page. For some of us, there was a lot of rhyming of words, like "hat-cat-fat"; only many years later did we learn that this was called "phonics." Some of us found it pretty...

Testing: The Competency Controversy

Educational testing in America has become a cradle-to-grave arbiter of social and economic mobility. Tests determine who succeeds and who fails, who receives remedial or enrichment services, who goes to college or graduate school, who has his or her way paid, and who practices medicine, law or the other prestigious...