Tag - charlie schwartz

Corporate Connections of Notable Scientists

The statement on national energy policy signed by 32 leading scientists, which you ran so prominently in Monday's paper, needs to be sprinkled with a bit of salt before the public may digest it healthily. In reaching their chief conclusion — namely, that this country should go full ahead with the nuclear power program...

SESPA Activist Wins Court Case

The Alameda County Superior Court ruled that Charlie Schwartz (a founder of SESPA) had been removed from his job at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory because of his political activities; this was a violation of his Constitutional rights and therefore he must be reinstated and compensated for lost income. The action was...

Chapter Reports

Bob Cahn has written up a piece on the Job Crisis. It ends with a “threat” that if the APS Council does not propose a satisfactory plan of action by the Washington meeting (end of April) then there should be “No Business as Usual”. Just what action that implies is purposefully ambiguous; and it will depend on the...

Report from Berkeley SESPA

Students and staff at the University of California's Lawrence Radiation Lab at Berkeley continue to press for the right to hold organized meetings at noon hour in the Lab auditorium. This seemingly innocuous demand has resulted in a seventeen-month controversy involving Director of the Laboratory, Dr. Edwin McMillan...

Report of Activities from Berkeley

Numerous attempts to arrange meetings with people inside the lab have been refused by the lab director, even when these requests came from conservative University faculty members. On one day a group of six drove out to the lab spontaneously in the hope of having lunch at the cafeteria in the unclassified area and...