Tag - boston science teaching collective

Report from the Boston Science Teaching Group

The Science Teaching Group has concentrated in the last few months on sales of the 3 “Science and Society” pamphlets, on a Biology Teachers’ Conference in Framingham and on consideration of new projects. Sales of the pamphlets have been going extremely well with both “The Energy Crisis” and “Genetic Engineering” (2000...

Science Teaching

You asked about how we are struggling with the teaching of nature's science and math at Old Westbury. First of all, Old Westbury is comprised of 75% Black, Puerto Rican and Asian students and 20% white working class students. Their average age is 27. We are a youthful faculty, also largely Third World. We do not have...

What’s Happening? Reports from Groups and Chapters

The SESPA Science Teaching Group held a science conference on Saturday, March 10 at the Cardinal Cushing High School in South Boston. The 150 participants included students and faculty from local high schools and colleges. The conference was organized in response to a need felt among science teachers to begin a...

A Preliminary Critique of the Project Physics Course

The Boston Area SESPA Science Teaching Group has been analyzing the Project Physics Course material. They have selected this particular curriculum because it, more than any other, attempts to deal with the social and cultural aspects of physics. To date most of the work has been done analyzing Unit 3: The Triumph of...

Cancer: We Cause it! We Cure it!

“SEARCH FOR CAUSE OF CANCER LEADING LITTON UNIT TO PROFIT" is the headline of a recent story in the Los Angeles Times. The story explains that the Bionetics Lab, a Maryland subsidiary of Litton Industries, is receiving a large chunk of money from President Nixon's highly publicized "War on Cancer". Litton officials...

Actions at NSTA

The educational system is one of the most important means by which the power of the ruling class in this country is maintained. This process can be seen very clearly in science education. (For a more detailed statement of this position and some of the reasoning behind it, see the excerpts of our pamphlet printed in...