Category - No 4

West Coast Regional Conference

A very successful Western Regional Conference was held in San Francisco on Saturday, February 24, 1979. About 40 SftP members came together representing chapters from way down Los Angeles/Irvine way to the outer reaches of the San Francisco Bay Area. The preparation of an agenda and chapter reports well before the...

The First SftP National Conference, Spring 1979

After ten years, Science for the People came together for our first international conference. Fifty individuals and chapter representatives from California, Texas, Illinois, Missouri, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Washington D. C., Massachusetts, Florida, and Montreal, Canada met in Ann Arbor, Michigan on the...

Current Opinion: Defend Affirmative Action

In the last year, the attacks on affirmative action programs have sharply escalated. The Bakke decision overturned educational programs based on admissions quotas for minorities and women. This will cut back the limited gains in access to higher education won in the 1960's. In another case, since dismissed, Sears...

Anti-Nuke Resource List

For an updated list of organizations, write to the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Groundswell Monthly Newsletter, 1536 16th St., N.W., Wash., D.C. 20036.

Three Mile Island and Nuclear Power

Even though federal inspectors knew in the early afternoon of Wednesday, March 28 that the uranium core in the reactor at Three Mile Island (3MI) was seriously damaged, two days went by before news of the danger was made public.

Love Canal: Chemical Wastes Back Up

Niagara Falls is a small city in western New York state, a few miles from Buffalo. It is now known as the home of Love Canal, a former chemical dump, which was covered over with residential housing in the 1950s. Dark pools of foul, stinking chemicals seeping upward into the basements of homes were the first signs of...

About This Issue

In this issue we present an edited version of a pamphlet written by two SftP members in response to the Three Mile Island disaster in late March. We hope that this article will an organizing tool to help build a larger anti-nuclear movement. The article surveys the catastrophic potential, long-term health...