Category - No 1

Redirecting Contraceptive Research

The following is testimony presented on behalf of the National Women's Health Network, at the March 8, 1978, Hearings on Contraceptive Research before the Select Committee on Population of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Science for the People—A Ten Year Retrospective

Several months ago, when we were first asked to write a brief history of SftP, we accepted without realizing just how difficult that task might be. SftP had done so many different things, it had involved so many different people with differing political opinions at different times and different places, that we could...

AAAS Deceived by Argentine Junta

The following letter was written by Dr. Carlos Pereyra in reply to Emilio Daddario's article in Science February 3, 1978, about the status of scientists in Argentina. Mr. Daddario went to Argentina in December 1977 at the request of the AAAS Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility. His purpose was to show...

Book Review: For Her Own Good

One of America's first physicians could not convince his patients that they should pay for his services. They thought it appropriate to pay for the drugs that he supplied, but not for his attention and time. It seemed natural for one person to care about another, not to charge for it. This incident, related in Barbara...

Common Air, Common Ground: Cambridgeport Residents vs. Advent Corporation

It's six a.m. in Cambridgeport, an integrated, basically blue-collar neighborhood in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In the row of triple deckers on Brookline Street, Gwen Woods and her neighbors awaken simultaneously. At that tender hour, Advent Corporation's Emily Street plant is already venting styrene fumes into the...

About This Issue

In this issue we present two firsthand accounts of the struggle of a group of residents in a working-class area of Cambridge to halt the pollution of their air with styrene, an unpleasantly pungent and hazardous chemical emitted by a nearby factory. Several members of Boston SftP have been directly involved and were...