Author - SftP Archives

Community Organizing and Institutional Expansion: Two Views

In Boston, resistance to medical expansion dates back to student-community coalitions that emerged during the political activism of the late 1960s and is an example where student protest led to sustained community organizing. Successes in controlling the expansion of medical centers or other large urban institutions...

Workers Demand Production for People

At Lucas Aerospace Corporation in Britain, workers have made specific, detailed demands that go beyond the usual material ones. These demands, if implemented, have the potential of seriously challenging the present economic system. The overall goal of their plan is to guarantee all workers meaningful jobs producing...

Current Opinion: Seabrook, Nuclear Power, and the Clamshell Alliance

The Clamshell Alliance, an umbrella organization of 15 anti-nuclear groups, was formed at a July meeting of 50 people, almost all of whom were NH residents. The goal of the Alliance is the halt of Seabrook construction and to force PSC to cancel the project by employing any means necessary "within the context of non...

Nonverbal Communication and the Social Control of Women

If women are to understand power, on both the macropolitical level and the micropolitical one which underlies and maintains it, we must learn more about nonverbal communication. For every major decision in Washington or on Wall Street that determines whether and how much sugar and oil we have and what information we...

Science Teaching Column — Plants: Food for Thought

We gave this course because MIT has no regular course in plant biology, because we had some new teaching ideas, and because we wanted to discuss technological and political aspects of the world food crisis. Since we are at an elite institution and we were teaching under informal circumstances we had various advantages...